Thursday, 21 February 2013

Creating a Resume

Step 1


Regardless whether which font style one decides to choose, the most important aspect of creating a resume is the format. The format of the resume is what attracts employers to continue reading. So here's four small steps that you need to format on a resume.

(1) Set margins to 1" all over
(2) Large font for name 16"
(3) Medium font for headings 14"
(4) Small font for information

Step 2


When creating a resume one must remember that when making a heading one should include information such as (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address)

Step 3


There are various types of layout used when creating a resume. Depending on the job one is trying to achieve, it will determine which layout to use.

 (Chronological Resume)

  • List of Employment History such as location, company name, candidate's position and duties required
  • List of Past achievements
  • Seeing as a resume is each person's personal profile, one may choose to add additional information such as specific skills you obtain to make you and your resume stand out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this detailed information on writing a resume. It's understandable to have resume writer Edmonton write your resume when you are not so sure of whether you are writing a good resume or not.
